Thursday, June 07, 2012

"Did an ambulance take Pepper to heaven?"

Out of the mouths of babes.

On Saturday, May 26th, we lost our faithful friend and first-born. He had been sick on and off for a few months, but always bounced back. Not this time. Paul took him to the vet where they discovered internal bleeding and a tumor on his spleen. We opted for surgery to remove the tumor--the only way to determine whether it was cancer--but when they opened him up, they found that the cancerous tumors had already spread to his liver. That's when we got the call from the vet who advised us to euthanize. It was the best choice, but oh so painful to make.

We've had lots of talks since then about Pepper, death, heaven, even cremation. It hasn't been easy -- how do you explain cremation without scaring the bejesus out of a 6-year-old -- but we've been honest with the details and about our feelings. We all miss Pepper so, so much. We miss him eating napkins, chasing squirrels, barking at the UPS guy, cocking his head to the side when we ask if he wants a treat. We miss watching him snore on his pillow, twitch his legs when he's having a particularly fun dream. We miss his little nudges at our elbow while we're eating at the table and how he would sit, frog-style, while we made dinner. We miss him tip-toeing through puddles because he hated the rain and how he would run for cover at the first clap of thunder. You were such a good boy, Pepper. We hope you're having the best steak dinner in heaven.

Pepper when he was a puppy.

1 comment:

K said...

Oh my goodness! We are so sorry to hear this news :( So so so so Sorry :( :( :( Kelly, Mark, Laney, Maui & Tiki