Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kean the storyteller

A couple months ago, Kean used these blocks to make up his own story. Turn up the volume so you can hear him better.

Monday, July 09, 2012

The calendar said June...

But it was definitely Kean's month. The birthday boy turned four and alternated between being Batman, a rock star and a hairdresser. Yes, that hatchet hair job is his doing, the night before his end-of-the-year show at preschool. I had trimmed his bangs, but apparently not enough, so while I made dinner, he found the scissors and trimmed them himself. He ran into the kitchen a huge smile and said, "Mama, look! I cut my bangs!" When I showed him in the mirror, he smiled and said, "You can REALLY see my forehead now, Mama!" Yes, honey, yes, I can.

Friday, June 08, 2012

While eating lunch....

Kean: Do you know Vikings eat the heads of dragons? Me: Really? K: Yeah, and the tails too. M: Which do you think taste better, the tail or the head? K: The tail. M: Why? K: Beause if you eat the head, it will go into your tummy and breathe fire! M: Oh, good point! K: Are Vikings for real? M: Yes, they were. K: Are dragons for real? M: I don't know. K: I think they were a log time ago because the Vikings used to fight them.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

"Did an ambulance take Pepper to heaven?"

Out of the mouths of babes.

On Saturday, May 26th, we lost our faithful friend and first-born. He had been sick on and off for a few months, but always bounced back. Not this time. Paul took him to the vet where they discovered internal bleeding and a tumor on his spleen. We opted for surgery to remove the tumor--the only way to determine whether it was cancer--but when they opened him up, they found that the cancerous tumors had already spread to his liver. That's when we got the call from the vet who advised us to euthanize. It was the best choice, but oh so painful to make.

We've had lots of talks since then about Pepper, death, heaven, even cremation. It hasn't been easy -- how do you explain cremation without scaring the bejesus out of a 6-year-old -- but we've been honest with the details and about our feelings. We all miss Pepper so, so much. We miss him eating napkins, chasing squirrels, barking at the UPS guy, cocking his head to the side when we ask if he wants a treat. We miss watching him snore on his pillow, twitch his legs when he's having a particularly fun dream. We miss his little nudges at our elbow while we're eating at the table and how he would sit, frog-style, while we made dinner. We miss him tip-toeing through puddles because he hated the rain and how he would run for cover at the first clap of thunder. You were such a good boy, Pepper. We hope you're having the best steak dinner in heaven.

Pepper when he was a puppy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A toothy grin

June lost her first tooth last night! It's been loose for a couple weeks, but it finally got really, really loose when she tried out her new snorkel. After much high drama ("Mama don't pull it out! Put your hands behind your back!"), she pulled it out herself. She got busy right away with her note to the Tooth Fairy. In case you can't understand June-glish, here's what it says in standard English: "Dear Tooth Fairy, may I keep my tooth, but can you bring me a coin? And can you draw a picture of you right here?"

The Tooth Fairy came through with a shiny $1 gold coin and a picture of herself. Kean was a bit disappointed that he didn't get one, but Big Sister reassured him that his time would come.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Holy morning, Batman!

photo from February 2012
Batman woke up yesterday, rolled over in his bed and, with one eye still closed, groggily said, "It was a short night." The rest of Gotham City agrees. Can we go back to bed now?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jacky Boy hits 10 humanoid years, or 70 dowg years.

Happy Birthday to you...

Hmmm.mash good

Jimbini Rigatoni Linguini Mascarpone Marcaroni…that’s his current Italian nick name. Our dogatoid Pepper, has been with us since he was 6 weeks old. Our dear friends Jeff and Chanda picked him from a litter of 8 during X-mas of 2001, and they could not have done better. He’s taken life in stride-dog stride that is-and sleeps most of the time, but still manages to act like a puppy when he wants to play, jump on strangers, bark at the mail man, and chase squirrels. The kids always include him in their play. He’s usually a monster or bad guy, ie a dragon, Skeletor-from He-Man cartoon circa 1985, Captain Kook or a Flubalub from Stingray circa 1958. He tirelessly follows them into their ‘traps’-always a willing villain. Aside from his gray beard which continues to creep down his jowls every year, he’s still the same old lovable dog who loves to eat napkins, hot peppers, and USDA prime steak, yes he managed to steal a couple of those off the grill. We love you Stinkboy…here’s to 10 more humanoid years to our dear companion.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Did they just say that?

"Mama, why doesn't the water fall out of the ocean if we're spinning?"

"June is a better listener because she's older. I'm not."

"I wish we had a pet sun so it could keep us warm whenever we want."

"Yeah, but..." This is how Kean typically replies when asked not to do something, for instance: "Kean, stop standing on the chair." "Yeah, but I have to get something on the counter." or "Kean, close your eyes and go to sleep." "Yeah, but I have to tell June something." Yeah but, Yeah but, all day long. One time, I replied, 'Yeah but nothing." He thought that was very funny.