Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Can't talk. We're too busy eating chocwit.

Halloween, as you know, is all about candy.
Little Miss June thought that was just dandy.
First she was a princess and then a cake.
Don't try to eat her! The frosting is fake.

Little brother Kean said "Moo" instead of "Boo."
When he saw a bowl full of candy, his hands just flew!
Do you recognize his costume?
That's because it used to be June's.

Kean, October 2009

June, October 2007


K said...

OMG I love these pictures! MOO to you all and Yummy Cake!
Kelly, Mark & Laney
p.s. saw proud grandma at the polls today showing pictures of these 2 precious darlings :)

The Editor said...

Especially loved the cake photo. Kean makes an absolutely adorable cow. My guess is that he won't be able to use many more of June's costumes...