June's Favorite Things, as of 1:12 p.m, June 19, 2008:
Cookies, Witul Bear (translation: Little Bear), 'rami (salami), beans of any variety, broccoli (still a winner at dinner!), Pinky Bear (which looks more like Grey Bear since he desperately needs a wash), MMs, feeding the farm animals at the park, finger-painting, blowing bubbles, swinging on the big kids' swing all by herself, playing with her next door neighbor, Sophie, singing her ABCs, telling me what CD to play in the car, making silly faces when we take her picture, keeping the paper industry in business by using at least 5 napkins at each meal (ribs the other night took at least 10) and lots of other things I can't remember right now.
Not-her-favorite things: Flies. She panics whenever one flies by her. Yesterday, she found two in the den. One was limping along on the rug--I think Pepper got a piece of it. I opted not to smoosh it in a tissue, figuring she would freak out, so we took him outside to "play." She found the other fly "sleeping" on her little green chair--Pepper strikes again. We brought it outside to finish its nap.
Funny story: A couple weeks ago, when June wasn't wearing any socks or shoes, I told her that she had bare feet. She looked at me oddly and said, "No Mama, June no got bare feet. June got June feet." Bare, bear, all the same to a two-year-old.
Juneee is so cutee (:
i love how she didnt get the difference between bare and bear!
thats the most adorable thing ever. cant wait to see her again.
She certainly can eat.. when she was up here in Torrington the June 25 weekend grandma's chicken soup and noodles were the big hit. She did not forget the strawberries though.
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