One year ago today, we met Junebug. It was probably the longest day of our lives, starting with a 4 am wake-up call in Beijing, followed by a 2-hour flight to Wuhan, an hourlong bus ride to the hotel, showers, lunch, and then an hour to sit around staring at each other in our room until 3 pm when we finally took the elevator downstairs to the conference room to meet June. Actually, it was probably more like 3:30 by the time she was in our arms. It was such a wonderful, crazy, emotional, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants day. In the first hour of parenthood, we screwed up her formula. We changed her diaper without the changing pad (and subsequently cleaned pee from the duvet -- sorry Best Western of Wuhan). We held her and rocked her and tried to soothe her as she cried, cried, cried. We tore into the Gerber Puffs I lugged from home and miracle of miracles, she loved him. Scoffed them down. Stopped crying. Started feeding them to me and Masala Papa. All was good in the world. In fact, everything was beautiful. Happy first anniversary, Junebug.
P.S. The top picture was taken April 9, 2007. The bottom one was taken today.
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