Who is the Soup Dragon? The Soup Dragon is a friendly character that appears in a BBC children’s program called the Clangers. It’s one of many zany British children’s shows that I watched when growing up in England. I recently purchased a bunch of them from England and now watch them with June – yes, I’m re-living my childhood, it’s my main incentive for having children! She loves the Hangers, as she calls them and is fascinated with the Soup Dragon Character. The Soup Dragon lives in underground caves and supplies soup to the Clangers. Check out wiki for more details on the Clangers – I love Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clangers
So now Pepper, our dog has officially assumed the name Soup Dragon. And last Saturday Grandma Lach made June a double layer sponge cake with chocwut-as June says-frosting. The cake was made lovingly and placed in the sunroom overnight. In the morning Grandma Lach put the Soup Dragon in the sun room for two minutes so she could come upstairs and wake us up. When she returned to the sunroom to let the Soup Dragon out she was shocked to see that the Soup dragon eats more than soup! The cake was half eaten!!!! The Soup Dragon loves cake! Long live the Soup Dragon!!!!