Those of you that know me understand my natural ability for giving special names to people, actions and things. For example, our dog answers to about 20 different names because I get bored of old ones and create even more bizzare new names. June will be no different. Her new nick name is Dump Truck, because everything you put down her sweet little gullet is consumed much like light in a black hole. It's fun and cute until, of course, we have to change the diaper. This morining we were charged with this task and it contained a token of her esteem, non other than a Super Dukie. The radiation level on my Super Dukie Detector jumped to the extreme range so quickly that the needle broke clear off! We put on the gas masks kindly provided by the hotel and informed the front desk so that everyone could be safely evacuated while we did the proceedure. Our dump truck loves steamed eggs, a particularly potent weapon developed by the Communists during the Cold Egg wars. The patient was not so co-operative or happy with the situation. Baby wipes had met their match and we had to give June her first bath. All in all a fun filled day 3. I'm putting June on an Oprah diet as soon as we get home, no more eggs, just potato chips and tv!!!!!!
p.s. those two teeth in her picture work really well.
(Sorry about the double post.)
Dump Truck cause of the "bottomless gullet"? How about "Dump" Truck, as in Truck that creates and transports the "Super Dukies"?
You will soon find that, despite the Communist governments valiant attempts at creating the ultimate fodder for Super Dukie generation, the human genome is stronger: i.e. you will become used to the smells.
In fact, you'll start to compare and contrast them. And you'll also find that no matter how bad you thought the last one was, there will be another that will top it! Amazing? Unbelievable? Miraculous? Yes, but also very true.
As you progress in levels in the arts of the "Jedi Parent", you will also begin learning the appreciation of dukie consistency as well as odor. And once masters of consistency, you will learn the art of appreciation of color!
Enjoy it! Cause the next step will be potty training and the elevated art of conversing with young June about her dukie accomplishments :)
Love and Hugs,
I love it! You two crack us up. We totally understand, Tiki for example also gets called Weeky, Weeker Wacker, Sharky (beacuse when she attacks her sister Maui her eyes roll back in her head), Tikister and so many more. Maui is also called Mauister, Maui Wowy, Shark Bait (because she is the bait of her sisters attacks, Mauinator and so many more. Thanks for putting a smile on our faces! Kelly & Mark
Congratulations!!! I am sitting here reading your blog with tears coming down my face. Markus & I (and Keara & Cassie) are so, so happy for you guys. We can't wait to meet baby June!! She is absolutely adorable and you all look so happy - congratulations again!! And by the way, one day you will sleep again - I promise!!
All the best - Sue (Gutzwiller)
Ah, yes... Welcome to the world of diaper blowouts and other dukie thrills. Be prepared, because someday, little June will reach down, grab the dukie diaper you just unfastened, and will fling it across the room.
I'm sure you are already well-practiced in the nose-to-butt dukie query... You will eventually learn to differentiate true dukie from mere gas.
As Armen said...
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