Well, we picked her up yesterday around 3pm. All the prospective parents were shuffled into a conference room at the hotel. After some additional paperwork-which never seems to end-the little girls began filing in. Emotions from both parents and babies came pouring out. Our little June checked us out and promptly fell asleep in our arms! After about 30 mins. one person from each couple was asked to stay behind and finalize more forms, while the other went back upstairs to the hotel room with the baby. Since Jennifer was more familiar with the paperwork, I took June up to our room. Just as I laid her down she awoke. She gave me the stare down and was checking me out. I've never seen a baby’s tonsils in such detail. Needless to say June began crying…and I mean screaming. I could see that see had four front healthy teeth, two above and two below and her lungs had great capacity…but how to stop the crying. Well, the next 25 mins were probably the longest in my life. I tried to feed her crackers, milk, water…nothing…I even tried to bribe her but no go. Every minute I kept hoping that mama bear would get back to the room asap! When Jennifer finally got back she was able to calm the storm. That night, during our communal evening dinner, I was heartened to hear how other fathers had the exact same experience. And the moral of this story is that it can pay to do the boring paperwork.
I said it before, and I'll say it again, "HA-HA!" and "Welcome to the club."
You too, young jedi, will soon become strong in the art of "the pass-off". It has endless uses, including, but not limited to: incessant crying, poopy diaper, frustration, getting a moment to yourself, etc.
E N J O Y ! ! !
Hey again! I'm sure June will get used to you soon, Paul, and love having you play with her!! Stay in there Paul!
Love, Maggie
You two bring such smiles as we read and look at pictures. I have been checking your blog each day (ok sometimes even more than once a day - hee hee). Being waiting parents and having you two share this is priceless to us. Thank you so much. Familiar with paperwork made me laugh! Then your tonsils comment had me cracking up!
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