Monday, April 16, 2012

A toothy grin

June lost her first tooth last night! It's been loose for a couple weeks, but it finally got really, really loose when she tried out her new snorkel. After much high drama ("Mama don't pull it out! Put your hands behind your back!"), she pulled it out herself. She got busy right away with her note to the Tooth Fairy. In case you can't understand June-glish, here's what it says in standard English: "Dear Tooth Fairy, may I keep my tooth, but can you bring me a coin? And can you draw a picture of you right here?"

The Tooth Fairy came through with a shiny $1 gold coin and a picture of herself. Kean was a bit disappointed that he didn't get one, but Big Sister reassured him that his time would come.

1 comment:

K said...

ohhhhh how exciting!!!! Kelly