Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chookie Monster

Somewhere along the line, maybe five or six months ago, June started calling Kean "Chookabunder." The adults in the house have no idea why, but so it is. Lately, because she's in such a hurry to getherwordsoutfast, she abbreviates it to Chookie or Chooks. Which should come as no surprise coming from a girl who says hung for hungry and gram for graham cracker. When she says Chooks, she sorta sounds like Peppermint Patty calling for Chuck. Yep, she's Peppermint Patty, Kean is Charlie Brown, Pepper is Snoopy and Masala Papa and I sound like wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hi Jen, have to laugh about the Charlie Brown. Now that I have kids I realize how brilliant it was. That is the way kids hear adults...wah,wah,wah,wah,wah Mark and I say that all the time. Love seeing your updates - hope to see you all in Summer when we come to NJ.