Saturday, April 07, 2007

Just a quick fyi...

Forget to mention this earlier, but we can't access this blog from China. We can post to it, obviously, but we can't see the site or read any of the messages you're leaving us. Please still leave them, though. They'll be fun to read when we get back to the U.S. As if we'll have any time when we get back. Oh well, leave 'em anyway!


Anonymous said...

As if you'll have time to read comments when you get back. Hah! On the other hand, never underestimate the org. skills of masala mama.
Much fun reading your postings. Can't wait to see pix with baby gill.


Anonymous said...

We're so looking forward to hearing about Monday! We want pix galore!

Oh... and you will find time. Eventually, you get into a rhythm, a routine... We're still waiting for it to happen...

And... we want to know when it'll be OK for us to meet her when you get back. I'm sure there will be a bit of an adjustment time for you two as well as for Baby Girl Gill, but don't keep us waiting too long, ya hear?!!!

Patricia and Armen

Anonymous said...

I had another thought the other night... One that I'm sure you both have already had a million times: You left your house as Paul and Jen. You will return as Mom and Dad!


K said...

Great idea. You will cherish how many people back home were thinking of you while you had the time of your life in China.
Thinking of you in CT.
Kelly & Mark