Tonight we compared faces. Two eyes, check. Two cheeks, check. Two eyebrows, check. Nose? Yep, smack in the middle. Then, the following:
"June, does my nose look like your nose?"
"No. Yours goes straight up."
"How's your nose?"
"It's squished down."
For the "People Say the Stupidest Things" file:
- A nurse walks into an X-ray room, sees me holding June, then asks: "Oh, she's so cute. Are you watching her?" I tell her she's my daughter. The reply I wish I gave, but only figured out on the way home: "Yup, for the next 18 years!"
- A dad at toddlertime comments that June is so smart. I smile. He replies, "I don't care what they say, Chinese people are smarter than others." I keep smiling.
- A neighbor sees us playing in the yard with June, then says, "You know, Asian kids, they show respect. Kids over here, they don't care." Apparently, it's in June's genes to behave and listen to us at all times. I'll tell her that the next time she refuses to stop jumping on her bed as I try, pointlessly, to get her socks on.
Ingredients for a Money Pie, from Chef June: Water, Salt, Pepper, Wind, and Sprinkles. Oh yeah, and money. Maybe she can cook one up and replenish our 401k with it.
June decided to wear Masala Papa's glasses one night. We asked her to draw his face. This is what we got. I like his ears and wavy hair. The connected eyes are pretty good too.