June has quite a collection of favorite phrases these days.
"Whole sing." You can probably guess what this means, given June's non-stop appetite. Yeah, she wants the whole thing. The whole banana, the whole pancake, the whole rice cracker, you get the picture.
"Ma feet down." She has a real problem with crossed legs. Crossed ankles, too. Two feet, flat on the floor, that's the way she likes it. Masala Papa gets the same treatment, too. She won't stop saying it until you fix your feet.
"Something special." Said in a sing-songy, I'm-gonna-get-something-good voice. Expectations run high. Last night after dinner, Masala Papa tried to pass off two little gingersnap cookies as something special. Uh, no, daddy. Where's the ice cream, the jello, the lollipops? Now, that's something special. Gingersnap cookies? Lame-o.
"Chocwut." Chocolate, in any shape or form. She'll have the whole sing, please.