This is June's latest accessory: Her $2 stool from the thrift shop. She carries it all over the house so she can reach whatever she can get her little hands on. She loves to stand at the kitchen counter and watch me cook. She's also fond of grabbing utensils out of the sink -- we've made a few dashes to keep away the knives.
More of her favorite things: croco (who maintains his #1 status among the small army of stuffed animals that have invaded our house), hershey kisses, the color yerow, Toma (as in Thomas the Tank Engine), Tubby (either the bathroom variety or the silly ones on TV), broccoli (most of the time), applesauce (which she says with gusto whenever she gets to eat it -- video coming soon), singing Deck the Halls, finding the moon in the sky (and getting irritated when the clouds are in the way), feeding Pepper, watering the plants, moving the laundry basket (hey, when is she going to learn how to vac?), pretending a french fry is a phone (demonstrated the other night at dinner), making pretend eggs and toast with her pots and pans, climbing in and out of her crib (when the railing is down--at least for now), unzipping her blanket sleeper for her Elvis look (that snap at the top? who are they kidding?), and all sorts of other wonderful things that I can't remember right now.
Not her favorite thing: Getting blood drawn. We went over two weeks ago and she's still talking about it. She rolls up her sleeve and says nee-al, pointing to her vein. Then she gets this pained look on her face. The worst part? We didn't get enough blood out of her, so we have to do it again. Anyone wanna volunteer?