The question threw me for a loop. There I was, getting my hair washed by a sweet 20-something at the salon who was just trying to make small talk. She probably saw my wedding ring and the grey hairs that have sprouted all over my head and figured it was a safe question to ask. I laughed out loud, then explained that she was the first person to ask me that since we got June. How many times before had I been asked that question, I wondered in the car later, and said no or, the more hopeful, not yet? Too many. Now I finally could say yes and it felt…good, but weird. Not because I don’t love June or love being her mom. But after years of saying no and quickly changing the subject, it’s surreal to say yes. I think I need more practice.
June and I took this picture at a Buddhist temple in Guangzhou, China, where a monk blessed all the children. It was a beautiful ceremony.