Here's our itinerary: Five flights, four hotels, limitless Chinese food, and one little girl waiting for us in Wuhan.
April 3: Direct flight to Beijing from Newark. 13.5 hours in economy class. Lovely.
April 4: Arrive in Beijing and make our way to the Capital Hotel in downtown.
April 5-8: Sightseeing in Beijing. The rest of our group (there are 27 families in all) arrives on April 6.
April 9: THE BIG DAY! We take a two-hour flight in the morning from Beijing to Wuhan, capital of Hubei province. We hold Baby Gill for the first time this afternoon.
April 10-15: Sightseeing in Wuhan with Baby Gill, along with our merry band of families. There are 7 families with us in Wuhan.
April 16: Fly to Guangzhou in Guangdong province (southern China) to get clearance from the U.S. consulate to bring Baby Gill home. We're staying at the White Swan hotel, the last stop for many adoptive families in China.
April 16-18: Kicking back in Guangzhou on Shamian Island.
April 18: Fly back to Beijing for one night to catch our flight home.
April 19: Fly home to Newark -- and live happily ever after.